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Step 5. Last but not least create and upload the video (to YouTube) which is the video that will be used to summarize the project. If you were building a robot, this final video would show the robot running around, doing fun things that will inspire others to create their version of your project.

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Q. Why would I go to all that work, building something, then put it on a website like C What I Can Do? What's the point?

A. Actually, there are a couple of forms for a reward:

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  2. You Make Money!

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The same with books! We encourage project builders to make books. In fact, CwhatIcanDo is a great place to get rated as an author. 'Betcha get a better deal from your publisher...

Of course, it is possible that your project won't make you any money, because someone built something even cooler than yours (maybe even inspired by your project.) Maybe you just want to show your version of another project... It's done in the spirit of the web: Sharing ideas. And it's fun building a project on your own.

Droid From Motorola :: A Robot ?      ...     32058 Views
Author's name: WeRbots       

It`s been a while since I created a new project for Cwhat I can Do, so here goes.

I obtained a Motorola Droid. (They finally got on Verizon - The only network that covers the Santa Cruz Mountains.)

But I`m a robot guy? So what Have I got in Mind for a Phone that calls itself a Robot? Well, of course I`ve got an idea or two...

I`ve been considering using ATX mini motherboards, web books, you name it. So along comes Droid. The more I read about it, the more it seems like this is something I could use to control a Robot.

And maybe, just maybe, could become the central controller for my Dream Robot? High Hopes for this platform, and now that I have one, I am not disappointed.
Author's Assigned Keywords:    Robot    robotics    Android    Droid    Droid Smart Phone

What I Believe We Can Do     
What seems doable:

Javascript driven web-pages that control robots through a web interface.

I tested this: You can visit the webpage yourself at Use a Droid, or presumably, your iphone should also work.

What you can expect: Testing the viability of server feedback... It works! So you can use this scheme to make a radio-controlled car respond through the ports on a laptop running apache webserver!

What`s buggy: I haven`t made the screen "sit still" so when you swipe on a Droid (at least), the screen bounces around... I took the test no further, because I could see it could be done.

Serial Output To Control a Bot     
I`ve been attending online YouTube "classes" and have discovered, it`s better than I hoped originally...

I can talk through the serial port (which can also keep the batteries charged :-)...

This means I can control a robot base (for example, I can control an i-robot which is one of the best you can get as far as a compliment of built-in sensors, etc...

I haven`t tried this yet, but have no reason at all to believe it will not work. Because there are calls I can make to communicate on the serial port. The hooks are all there it seems.
Built In GPS, Compass, plus Accelerometers     

It is true, you can have applications level access to some pretty high-performance code that makes me imagine quite a few things:

GPS: Now my robotic helper can figure out where he is, so he could conceivably mosey the quarter-mile into town to bring me the key to the mailbox (or other imaginable function)... Yes, it`s +- a few meters, but close enough to intrigue a robot-nut.

Compass: Yes, a compass is built in, and its` pretty sensitive. Hopefully sensitive enough to do some gross navigation to help get my Robot Helper get moving in the right direction.

Accelerometer for Bot-Balancing:

Frankly, I don`t know if it is sensitive enough, but it is conceivable, you could clip the Droid into a segue style two-Wheeled upright Robot. I`ll have to try that with the RFL robot and see if a simple fuzzy logic algorithm could operate in the 500 mHz Droid processor and the signals could travel on the serial port fast enough to keep the thing balanced???

At least a Droid Controlled bot would know when it had crashed, The sensitivy can be enough to use in driving games, so it is possible, you can enhance the basic robot`s powers.

Get stuck? You should know by the accelerometers...

Robot Feedback     
No longer limited to small arrays of led`s to supply a moving mouth, you can animate any mouth you want, by using the screen of the Droid as the "Face" of the bot.

Look around. Is there enough juice in the processor for face recognition? Maybe not, but you can write pieces of code in good ole C (you have limited libs), so it seems potentially there...

Touch Screen:
Interact with your bot when it is physically around by tapping it`s "face".

Text To Speech and Speech to Text:
You`d probably have to override the existing voice search, but the potential is in there to talk to and be heard by your Droid Powered Robotic Friend.
There is no doubt about it. Motorola`s Hardware and Google`s software on a Verizon network at least has produced a killer smart phone.

I`ve tried `em all, since the HP95 hand calculator with built in to do lists and my whole personal world of contacts. It cost me over a thousand bucks, it wouldn`t do much. I`ve been through Palm`s pioneering Grafiti, and got pretty proficient at it. I`ve used Motorola`s original Folding Palm Top...

This is it.

i-Phones wouldn`t let me do things I could imagine. Yes, they are pretty, yes they pioneered...

I don`t know if there is enough "juice" in the Droid to do everything I`ve imagined on this short list, but I`m thinking if this thing catches on, improvements in processing power are almost unavoidable, so someday you will clamp your Droid into your Robotic Assistant`s "HEAD" so it can serve you soup and crackers...

My imagination is going crazy with ideas... Have we been handed the ultimate Robot Accessory?

Could be!!!!
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L 298 Compact Motor Driver Kit
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Build the L298 H-Bridge Motor Control

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Microrobot Avoider Jr
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Robot Man: With Robot Demos

Brilliant Blue/Green LED
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Converting a Flashlight to LED

PICAXE 8 Pin Motor Driver Board
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Easy Cheap Robot Weekend Project

Tracked Vehicle Chassis Kit
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Build Your Own Track Drive Robot

PICAXE 8 Pin Motor Driver Board
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Build Your Own Track Drive Robot

Infrared Proximity Sensor Short Range - Sharp GP2D120XJ00F
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Build Your Own Track Drive Robot

PICAXE 8 Pin Motor Driver Board
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Build a Robot In 5 Minutes

Infrared Proximity Sensor Short Range - Sharp GP2D120XJ00F
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Build a Robot In 5 Minutes

Gear Motor 2 - 224:1 Offset Shaft
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Build a Robot In 5 Minutes

4 X AA Cell battery holder plus on/off switch
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Build a Robot In 5 Minutes

PICAXE 8 Pin Motor Driver Board
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picAxe 8 bit Motor Controller: Look Inside

Infrared Proximity Sensor Short Range - Sharp GP2D120XJ00F
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picAxe 8 bit Motor Controller: Look Inside

4 Section In-Ground Batting Net
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Home Installation of a 4 Section In-Ground Batting Cage

Transformer 1k:8 ohm
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PICAXE 8 Pin Motor Driver Board
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Robots Almost Anyone Can Afford

Morphibian Land Shark
Kid Galaxy
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Morphibian Land Shark

Parallax (Futaba) Continuous Rotation Servo
futaba (modified)
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How To Build a Robot in a Box

Parallax (Futaba) Standard Servo
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How To Build a Robot in a Box

PICAXE 8 Pin Motor Driver Board
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Weekend Project: Get Started With Robots

L298 Compact Motor Driver
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Build a Respectable Autonomous Robot

Infrared Proximity Sensor Short Range - Sharp GP2D120XJ00F
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Weekend Project: Get Started With Robots

PICAXE 18 Pin Power Project Board
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Build a Robot From A Power Wheelchair

PICAXE 18M2 Microcontroller
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Build a Robot From A Power Wheelchair

Solderless Breadboard For Uno
Jameco Valupro
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Arduino Development VS PicAxe Development

USB 2/0Video Capture Device
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On Line Neighborhood Watch

Eurocard IC Pattern
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On Line Neighborhood Watch

40 kHz Weatherproof Transducer
Audiowell Electronics
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PICAXE 18M2 Microcontroller
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Autonomous Robot PVC "Pickup Truck"

Power Amplifier
ST Micro
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By Creators
WeRbots: i-Mon App
WeRbots: Pong)))))
By Keywords
Ajax: battle
Android: battle
BEAM Robots: battle
Convert Your Flashlight to LED: Converting a Flashlight to LED
How To Build Cheap Bots: Robots Almost Anyone Can Afford
How To Build Cheap Bots: How To Build a Robot in a Box
How To Website: Tour This Website
How To Website: CwhatIcanDo Website
Infrared Proximity Sensor: Build Your Own Track Drive Robot
Quick Build Robot: Build a Robot In 5 Minutes
robot bending: Morphibian Land Shark
Robot Motor Control: Robot Basics
Robot Motor Control: Buggy Bot: Wire Frame Bot Body
Robots: Robot Basics
Rumble Bot Conversions: Robots Almost Anyone Can Afford
Select or type in a Keyword: Converting a Flashlight to LED
web 2.0 site: CwhatIcanDo Website
Weekend Project Robots: Easy Cheap Robot Weekend Project

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